At any time during the week parking near the Mary Kehoe Centre can be a problem. At anytime there can be as many as 80 pople in the 4 rooms at the MKC. The council now limits as just 20 parking permits. Moreover we now have to pay $25 per year for each of them. All the parking in Danks Street and other nearby streets is one hour. So if you park without a permit you could get get a fine. Parking is policed by parking inspectors and you don’t want to get a $75 parking fine!
So what do you do if all the parking permits are gone when you arrive?
Fortunately there is plenty of unrestricted and long term parking in nearby streets. So if you are prepared to walk a few blocks your parking problems are over. Also in Beaconsfield Pde there is free, 4 hour parking.
The map below shows you where these parking places are. Clicking on any of the maps on this page will make them fill the screen. You can then print them.
To open a printable PDF of the map click HERE.